Thank You and Farewell 2010!

As the hours left in the year 2010 dwindle down, I would like to reflect upon this year and how absolutely amazing it has been! Surely there were some difficult times for me and my loved ones, but we have fought through and I am confident that 2011 will be even better than 2011!

2010 marks the first full year that this blog has existed since it’s conception in May 2009 and it was an incredible year! The site grew tremendously in popularity from an average of under 10 visits per day in January to an average of 50-80 visits per day by summer! In total the site had 12,000 visitors in 2010, and I have high hopes that 2011 will be a year of continued growth for the site.

Thank you to all for your continued support and patronage! I hope all of you have a Happy & Healthy New Year!