Q&A: How To Make My Application Stand Out

Hi Sharon,

I was wondering if you could give me a few tips on how to increase my chances of getting accepted into vet schools in the US, specifically UC Davis, which , on top of being where you studied (or still study?) is also my first choice.

 Do you happen to know Professors on the admissions committee? Would it be worth showing interest in their area of expertise in order to make my name more familiar when the committee meets to discuss prospective students?

 Many many thanks in advance!


Date: 9/6/10


Hi NK –

Sorry to tell you that attempting to appeal to the admissions committee by showing interest in their area of expertise is something I would recommend against. They are the best in their fields and the last thing you want is for them to ask you really hard probing questions during your interview if you are fortunate enough to receive an interview invitation.

My advice: stand out by daring to be different. Don’t be typical and don’t try to appeal to them – they see that all the time and I am sure it doesn’t go over well. Instead, go out on a limb and get some items in your resume that are completely unusual experiences that would be great topics of conversation (whether they are related to veterinary medicine or not). If you have not yet chosen a major, I would highly recommend choosing a major outside the sciences to show that you are not so narrowly focused on your career goals; it makes you appear more well-rounded.

Hope that helps you out!

Life In Vet School & Tips On Getting In